Friday, 10 May 2013

The Top 10 Foods for Great Sex

525460_142811795898013_100074592_n_largeEverybody wants to have great sex. If you're not having any sex, you want it; if you're having okay sex, you want an upgrade to great and if your sex life is great, well, you want it to be mind-blowing. And it's possible.
Your nutrition is vital to the quality of your sex life. Wining and dining a date will more likely result in a great night's sleep rather than a great romp in the sack. To really get things going, you need to stimulate your 'circuitry,' your nervous and circulatory systems. You can't clog your arteries with saturated fat that slow circulation, inhibit blood flow and decrease the ability of the body to feel stimulation and expect to have great sex.
So brace yourself. Here they are, the top ten foods  to put sizzle in more than your sauté pan.

1). Whole grains
Brown rice may look like Clark Kent, but a bowl of whole grains, like oatmeal can make you Superman (or woman) in bed. While not the stuff of fantasy, that morning bowl of oats is high in zinc and can increase testosterone, which increases sexual desire (in both men and women). And being complex carbohydrates, whole grains create staying power, so you can perform in a way that matches your passion.
So the next time you are contemplating breakfast in bed, think oatmeal, not croissants or bacon and eggs (which will clog your arteries and put you back to sleep).

2). Chocolate
What is the magic of this rich, dark, creamy, sensual, sweet, sexy...sorry, I got distracted... There is true mojo in chocolate. This lovely indulgence is a rich source of magnesium, which soothes nerves, making us feel open and receptive. But the true power of chocolate is phenylalanine (just being able to say it is impressive and scores big points...), an amino acid that raises the body's endorphins and produces dopamine, the brain chemical that surges during orgasm...for both men and women, creating...well, spectacularly great 'O-h-h-h-h-h-h-h-h-h-h-h-h-h's.'
3). Oysters (hang on, fellow vegans...don't panic...)
Casanova was right. But I'm guessing that he didn't know that it was all about the zinc, which improves testosterone levels which leads to incredible sexual performance, as well as improved sperm count (in case you are looking to spread your seed about). But if he did, he'd score big in the brains department as well.
Oh...for those of us who wouldn't even think about slurping oysters, munch on some chia, sesame or pumpkin seeds or chow down on spinach, basil, thyme and sea vegetables for your zinc fix.
4). Chili Peppers
Hot peppers really heat things up as we eat them, but capsaicin, the source of that heat, triggers endorphins, our sensations of pleasure, which is very, very good for very, very good sex. Chilies also stimulate the nervous system, accentuating the effects of arousal, which is very, very, very good for very, very, very good sex. Conclusion? Hot, spicy foods can lead to hot, spicy sex.
5). Chia Seeds
Yes, the same seeds that can grow a chia pet can contribute to great sex. In terms of nutrition, a mere tablespoon of these tiny, ancient seeds are like making a smoothie made from salmon, spinach and human growth hormone. Packed with omega 3's and 6's, protein, calcium, iron, zinc (again!), fiber and antioxidants, chia seeds will give you stamina to burn, improve circulation and increase your body's ability to feel stimulation. Brought to Aztec kings in homage, these tiny seeds will have you flushing your little blue pills right down the drain.
6). Ginger, Garlic, Onions
To really get your juices flowing, pile on the garlic, leeks, onions, scallions and chives. Known as alliums, these powerful vegetables will give you the stamina that pharmaceuticals can only promise. There are religious sects that actually ban the consumption of these humble foods because they believe they feed desire.
Containing chemical compounds that stimulate blood flow to genital area, these vegetables cause intense feelings of arousal, resulting in a strong, enduring sex.
And if bad breath worries you, just pull the little green sprout from the center of the garlic clove before mincing and make sure you both munch on the parsley garnish on your plates. Breath won't be an issue...and with any luck, you'll be so busy, who'll care?
7). Olive oil
We need fat to produce sex hormones; not the kind that builds up around our bellies and hips, but healthy fat in our food. Here comes the sexy part. Fat and cholesterol are metabolized in the liver, stimulating the production of testosterone and estrogen, which we need for our sex drive...and performance. A healthy balance of sex hormones produces a strong libido in men and women.
But skip the saturated fats in steak, butter and lobster and drizzle some extra virgin olive oil (rich in vitamin E, shown to improve sexual function) on the pasta, on the salad, on her, on him...
8). Tomatoes
Tomatoes were named 'love apples' by the Puritans for their 'sinful' sexual stimulation. Sought after as a love potion due to their red color, which signified excitement and passion, we now know the force behind tomatoes is the antioxidant, lycopene, a powerful libido-enhancer in both men and women.
And since the mere scent of tomatoes has been shown to increase penile blood flow by 5%, perhaps that tomato bruschetta is a good idea for dinner tonight.
9). Soy
Chinese medicine tells us that soy relaxes and cools the body. When people are relaxed, they tend to be more open and receptive. In the bedroom, that's good!
But it's the science of soy that's the sexy part. Soy contains phytoesterogens, hormone-like compounds that bind estrogen receptors. With soy as a regular part of your diet, vaginal lubrication is less of a problem (that's very good...). But the best part? Studies have shown that soy can be very beneficial to prostate health, which is crucial to male sexual function.
Makes tofu seem a lot sexier now, I bet. Oh, and for those of you not eating soy, add some fennel to your diet for the same benefits.
10). Artichokes
So you think the sexy part of artichokes is eating them, fingers all sticky with oil, juices dribbling down the wrist, just begging to be kissed away? Ancient Romans believed that eating artichokes were not only an aphrodisiac, but would result in everlasting life. They were off on the living forever part, but artichokes can result in better sex.
Science has shown that pantothenic acid (sexy, huh?) is the reason for artichokes' reputation. Regulating bile production, artichokes tonify the liver, which governs nervous system response, so eating artichokes increases our response to stimulus. And increased response to stimulus means better sex.
With these ten foods added to your diet, you'll be off to the races...if and only if, you make healthy food choices overall, exercise regularly and live a more natural life.
Oh, I almost forgot. The worst foods for sex? Guaranteed that men will be on Cialis or Viagra and women won't be interested in sex at all? The usual suspects: refined sugar, saturated fat, soda, junk foods and excessive alcohol. They'll not only make you fat and sick; they ensure that you'll sleep alone.

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